Adet Toni Novik
Toni has travelled throughout his career in the judiciary, starting as a praetor and working his way up to Cassation Councillor first in the Criminal Court and then in the Tax Court.
He has always dealt with the law with a real passion, also for the doctrinal part, although with the confidentiality that has always distinguished him: he therefore joined the Bar Association to continue to experience law from a different perspective.
He accepted A&A’s proposal to take on the role of Of Counsel and began working with the firm.
He deals with consulting in criminal matters, giving A&A’s professionals the support of knowledge and experience in all those cases where an assessment in this area of law is essential.
- He is a speaker at numerous conferences.
- He is the author of publications, which also cross the boundaries of law.
- Graduated in law from the University of Naples in 1972.
- Member of the Busto Arsizio Bar Association