In different corporate areas of interest, the legal activity is one of the most delicate and well-structured function, which is able to enhancing and making improvements both in the strategic area and in the business.
In most cases, the organization chart does not include the figure of “in-house counsel” – which is an increasingly central and well-known profession in the large companies, and it’s also responsible for assisting the company in the legal point of view; the tendency is therefore to use an external legal advisor.
It can happen very often that the professional is however not able to control the needs of the activity in many strategic aspects, and that he does not know the peculiarities of the company reality in which he is called to operate because of a lack of a transfer of information not deemed necessary. This factor leads to an inevitable slowdown in business management.
The law firm therefore offers to its clients a preventive analysis service of legal issues concerning all company areas, through a team of transversal professionals. The goal is to provide an effective and flexible service on an ongoing basis with a periodic presence also onsite. This way the professionals will be directly involved in the corporate structure, becoming a valid point of reference for all company functions.
The company will therefore be able to make use of a team of multidisciplinary professionals at its side – led by a reference professional so as to always have a unique interlocutor – without the rigidity and fixed costs associated to an internal legal function.